Therapeutic Approach and Philosophy

Therapeutic Approach and Philosophy

My doctoral program emphasized cognitive-behavioral and humanistic therapies, so I am well versed in those approaches and can readily draw upon them when appropriate. I keep up to date with new therapies as well as “best practices” that have been proven effective for specific problems and issues; in fact, I taught a graduate-level course on the topic. I view these empirically supported treatments as useful tools– not as the core foundation of therapy. Research clearly shows that the foundation of effective therapy is a strong, trusting relationship between therapist and client. My highest priority is to establish a relationship in which you feel safe and fully heard, and in which you can believe that together we can resolve whatever problems are bringing you into my office.  It is my responsibility to listen carefully enough to discern what you need from me, and then to modify my approach to fit your beliefs, values and personality. We will work together to figure out what would be most helpful, and I will ask for regular feedback from you about what is working and what’s not so that we can monitor your progress and make adjustments where needed.  My mission is to make sure that you are benefiting from therapy, moving toward your goals, and getting what you need from the process.

I strongly believe that you do not have to be mentally ill or “crazy” to benefit from therapy. Most people reach a point in their lives where they could use an objective observer and knowledgeable ally to help them get unstuck and moving forward.  It is a demonstration of courage to reach out for help in confronting whatever is in the way of achieving the life you want.  By joining with me to create a shared vision for your life and by engaging actively in the difficult process of growth, you can overcome the obstacles, accept what must be accepted and change what needs to be changed, and realize your dreams for your life.