Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

Are you feeling like life just isn’t as enjoyable as it should be?

Are you normally pretty well-adjusted and in control of your life but things just don’t feel quite right?

Have you been trying to handle your problems on your own but can’t seem to make any real improvements?

If you answered yes, individual therapy is a great choice. Research shows that psychotherapy truly works – in fact it is as effective for treating mental and emotional problems as many of the best medical procedures are for treating physical health conditions. While therapy can take longer and cost more upfront than taking medication, its effects are well worth it in the long run. Therapy teaches you the skills you need to confront future challenges so you are less likely to need additional treatment in the future. Better yet, it is a life enriching experience that most people enjoy.

The foundation for effective therapy is the relationship between client and therapist. My role is to first listen and understand, and then help you identify your roadblocks to getting the life you want. You remain the expert on your life, but I offer a safe place to share thoughts and feelings without judgment and provide an objective perspective on your situation. While I will help you to identify areas for change and provide concrete, effective ideas for improvement, I recognize the complexity of the problems you face and the fact that there are often no easy solutions. I will never rush you to make a decision or take action before you are ready, but will help you to explore your options and find renewed energy to tackle your difficulties head on. Together we can create real, meaningful change.

So if any of these sound like you…

  • You keep worrying about the same problem over and over
  • You don’t know who you could ever trust with knowing about your secret struggle
  • Other areas of your life are being negatively impacted by your struggle
  • You need somebody to listen to you and your feelings for once
  • You just feel “off”, like you need a mental and emotional ”tune-up”

… then take the chance and reach out to me. Let’s have a free 15-minute phone or in-person conversation about what you are going through, and we will decide together if I’m the right therapist for you. Isn’t it time to finally take your next step toward a happier, better you?